Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Degree qualifications

As part of the URV's efforts to establish a new series of official graduate and postgraduate degrees adapted to the EHEA, the ETSE has verified and authorized the following degree qualifications:

Engineering degrees

► Degree in Electronic Industrial and Automatic Engineering - GEEIiA

► Degree in Electrical Engineering - GEE

► Degree in Computer Engineering - GEI

► Degree in Telecommunication Systems and Services Engineering - GESST

► Degree in Biomedical Engineering - GEB

► Grado de Ingeniería Matemática y Física - GEMiF

► Degree in Techniques for Developing Web and Mobile Applications - GTDAWiM

Masters' degrees

► Master's Degree in Artificial Intelligence - MIA

Interuniversity Master recognized by the mention "International Master's Programme". Universities: UPC (coordinator), UB and URV

► Master's Degree in Computational Engineering and Mathematics - MECMAT

Interuniversity. Participant Universities: UOC, URV (coordinator)

► Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering - MEI

Master enable for carry on regulated profession

► Master's Degree in Computer Security Engineering and Artificial Intelligence - MESIIA

► Master's Degree in Electric Vehicle Technologies - MEVTECH

► Master in Biomedical Data Science - MBDS

Interuniversity. Participant Universities: UPC, UB, UAB, UdG, UdL, UVic, URV (coordinator)

► Màster en Health Data Science - MHEDAS

Interuniversity. Participant Universities: UPC, UB, UAB, UdG, UdL, UVic, UGA and URV (coordinator)